24 hr Launderette Retrospective Application Update
Bapchild Parish Council has been informed the retrospective planning application for the 24 hr launderette will be reported to the Planning Committee of the Council to be held in the Council Chamber at Swale House on 14 October 2021 at 7 pm.
Please read below for the full information.
Application No: 21/504190/FULL
Proposal: Retrospective application for installation of a modular self-service launderette
facility and associated works.
Location: Bapchild Service Station London Road Sittingbourne Kent
The above planning application will be reported to the
Planning Committee meeting of the Council to be held in the Council Chamber at Swale
House on 14 October 2021 at 7pm.
Due to recent Government guidelines and the easing of lockdown, Councils are now
permitted to hold meetings at their Civic Offices, following social distancing guidelines,
and restricting numbers of those attending.
However, due to the limited space in our Council Chamber, we would encourage
members of the public to continue to follow the proceedings of the planning
committee meeting live via a weblink, which will be published on the Council’s
This meeting is broadcast via MS Teams Live Event and if you wish to speak at the
Committee meeting, written notice must be given, either to
democraticservices@swale.gov.uk or ring 01795 417328 by no later than noon on the
day before the meeting – i.e. 12:00pm on 13 October 2021. Democratic Services will
send a participation link to those registered to speak.
PLEASE NOTE – those registered to speak should not use the link on the website as
this is for viewing only.
Registering to speak confers the right as follows:-
(i) on a first-come, first-served basis, one speaker in support of, and one speaker
against, an item for decision; or
(ii) as a duly authorised representative of a Parish or Town Council affected by an
item for decision; and
(iii) the applicant or agent for the item
For further information on the process of public speaking at a committee meeting please
contact democraticservices@swale.gov.uk or ring 01795 417328 by no later than
noon on the 13 October 2021.
You may view the application online at http://pa.midkent.gov.uk/online-applications or
You should also be aware that it may be necessary to make any information you give us publicly available.
Yours faithfully
Mandi Pilcher
01795 417303
Parish Clerk 8th October 2021