Planning Application Land North of 217 and 219 Canterbury Road
As a Consultee, Bapchild Parish Council received notification of a Planning Application Reference No 22/502748 for a total of 3 properties plus associated parking and landscaping on land North of 217 and 219 Canterbury Road.
PROPOSAL: The erection of 2 no. 3-bed houses and 1 no. 2-bed house
plus associated parking and landscaping.
ADDRESS: Land North Of 217 And 219 Canterbury Road
Sittingbourne Kent ME10 4UL
COMMENTS DUE BY: 27 July 2022,
DECISION DUE DATE: 22 August 2022
This proposal will not have access from the A2 (Canterbury Road) but an access will be created to the rear of the proposed properties exiting onto a new roadway (Stones Farm).
To read all the documentation and comments made regarding this application, including a report from the Public Right of Way Officer, please go to and search for the application using reference no
Important Notice: Swale Borough Council Planning Portal will be unavailable over this weekend, 20th and 21st August 2022.
Parish Clerk