Stones Farm Development - Information 30th October 2019

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31 Oct 2019

Residents Letter 301019.pdf

Chartway Group Ltd have issued the attached letter which is an update from the August information and explains the work being undertaken until 31/1/2020.

In summary, they have been concentrating efforts to divert services in the road and footpath closest to the site entrance and to construct the new road within the site.

They are on track to have the section of the road reinstated by 8/11/2019.

The next phase of works will be on the North Western section of Fox Hill/Canterbury Road moving away from the Fruit Stall.  They aim to cone off the road between 09/11/19 and 20/12/19 then move the traffic management entirely over the Christmas break (if possible).

After Christmas the coned off section of road will move to the South Western section of the diversion (outside no 39 Fox Hill to 210 Canterbury Road).  They aim to carry out this section between 06/01/20.

From 18/01/20 to 31/1/20 they will cone off the South Eastern section of the diversion works closest to the Fruit Stall.

The letter has been distributed by Chartway Group Ltd to residents who are in closest proximity to the current works being undertaken. 

A copy of the letter has also been displayed on the noticeboard outside the village hall.

The telephone number for queries is 01622 740140 (Site Manager)
