Stones Farm Planning Update

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04 Jun 2020

Stones Farm Planning Update

In respect of the Approval of Reserved Matters for mixed-use development relating to appearance, landscaping, layout and scale of 311 dwellings and 650 sqm of neighbourhood shopping/community facilities pursuant to outline planning permission 14/501588/OUT, Land at Stones Farm -  was approved on 3rd October 2019 subject to the following design review:

Conditions in respect of road layout, use of local materials, and parking.  The Parish Council our Ward Member (Cllr Monique Bonney) to be involved in further discussions once Chartway have produced amended drawings in respect of the conditions imposed and if agreement was not possible the application would return to the Planning Committee.

The Parish Council actively engaged in the review process, but were still concerned about the traffic impact of the scheme. Due to the current social distancing provisions we made a final written appeal to the planning committee meeting held on 28th May 2020, which regrettably did not gain support and councillors approved the application on 28th May 2020 to allow the scheme to proceed.

The applicant currently has Hybrid approval for up to 600 dwellings and at present has provided detailed planning for 311 units. The timescales for later applications will be set by the developer and we have been advised they expect the build programme to be over 6 years.

The Parish Council and residents will again have an opportunity to comment when the remaining units are submitted for their “Reserved Matters” approval. The final layout of the residents parking area on Fox Hill is still being modified and will be available for comment in due course.
