Water Mains Leak Panteny Lane Junction with School Lane

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26 Jun 2019

Since reporting the water leak, Bapchild Parish Council has been in contact with the Distribution Manager, South East Water and have received a report today on this mains water leak (see extract below)

“This leak is in an area which has sensitive mains which are pressure relieved.
The water that is showing is right next to one of the Pressure Relief Valves (PRV’s) which makes finding leaks extremely difficult.

Contractors working on behalf of South East Water attempted a repair, but they were unable to locate the leak.  Technicians have been looking for the leak during the night, but so far have been unsuccessful.

Further expert network engineers will be drafted in to try and resolve this as quickly and safely as possible with the minimal effect on customers.  We are sorry that water continues to show in this road, and as soon as the leak has been pinpointed, it will be fixed as soon as possible. It is hoped the leak will be found by the middle/end of next week, and then repaired".

The Parish Council will be kept updated on progress, and will update this news page accordingly.
