Be a part of Census 2021
Census Day is Sunday 21st March 2021
The census gives a picture of all the people and households in England and Wales. This helps to plan and fund public services in your area such as roads, schools and hospitals. By taking part in the census, you will help make sure your community gets the services it needs.
You must complete the census by law.
Look out for the pack in the post. It will show you how to complete your census questionnaire. There will be plenty of help for people who need it.
To find out more go to:
Or Telephone Number 0800 141 2021 - a free number to call if you require a paper copy of the census form.
Please note your answers are protected by law and will be kept confidential.
The above information has been produced from an Office for National Statistics Census 2021 Notice which will be displayed on the village noticeboard outside Bapchild Village Hall.
Parish Clerk 3rd March 2021