NHS 111 Service

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27 May 2021

We have been contacted by the NHS Kent and Medway Clinical Commissioning Group to help promote the NHS's 111 service.

NHS 111 First project is going to be a key priority during 2021.  It aims to increase resident's understanding that for urgent, non-emergency treatment the 111 service should be your first point of contact.

By dialling 111 this reduces the number of non-emergency visits to the A&E services.

A regional campaign is being planned and is due to start in June/July 2021.

The Bank Holiday period is always a busy time for A&E departments. 

In the meantime, the 111 service is being promoted through the NHS social media channels. For more information see below.

Please go to: https://www.facebook.com/KMCCG/ or

Twitter - https://twitter.com/NHSKMCCG

Thank you.

Parish Clerk

27 May 2021
